Report ESPI 16/2021

The Management Board of Berg Holding S.A. based in Katowice [Company, Issuer] hereby informs that the following company NETSU S.A., the Issuer's subsidiary, concluded with MB Ventekonas UAD based in Kaunas, Lithuania [Buyer], a heat pump distribution agreement specifying general terms and conditions of cooperation [Distribution...

Report ESPI 15/2021

The Management Board of Berg Holding S.A. with its registered seat in Katowice [Company, Issuer] in reference to the ESPI current report no. 45/2020 informs about the update of the planned strategy of the Issuer's subsidiary - Farmy Fotowoltaiki S.A. [company, issuer] including a new...

Report ESPI 14/2021

The Management Board of Berg Holding S.A. with its registered office in Katowice [Company, Issuer] informs about the planned strategy of operations of the Issuer's associated company - ELON MOTORS S.A. with its registered office in with its registered seat in Gdańsk [ELON MOTORS, Associated...

Report EBI 3/2021

CHANGE OF THE DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE REPORT FOR THE FOURTH QUARTER OF 2020 BERG HOLDING SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA The Management Board of Berg Holding S.A. with its registered office in Katowice (hereinafter: ("Company", "Issuer"), in reference to the current report EBI No 1/2021, informs about...

Report ESPI 13/2021

The Management Board of Berg Holding S.A. with its registered office in Katowice [Company, Issuer] in reference to the current report ESPI No. 71/2020 of December 2, 2020 regarding the conclusion by the Issuer's subsidiary NETSU S.A. [NETSU, Subsidiary] has submitted and paid in accordance...

Report ESPI 12/2021

Conclusion by Farma F2 Sp. z o.o. of a land lease agreement for the construction of three photovoltaic farms with a total power of 3 MW The Management Board of Berg Holding S.A. with registered office in Katowice [Company, Issuer] in reference to the current...

Berg Holding S.A.
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