Report ESPI 43/2021

The Management Board of Berg Holding S.A. with its registered office in Katowice [Company, Issuer] informs that on September 9, 2021, the Issuer received information from NETSU S.A. [Subsidiary] about the receipt by the Subsidiary of a significant order for the supply of heat pumps, storage tanks, buffers and assembly bases with a total value of 2.048.677,60 PLN net + VAT.

According to the information provided to the Issuer by the Subsidiary, the contracting authority did not consent to the disclosure of its data in the content of the Company’s current report.

In the opinion of the Management Board of the Issuer, the information about the receipt of a significant order is confidential information due to the fact, that its implementation will have a significant impact on the financial income of the Issuer’s Capital Group.

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