Report ESPI 26/2021

Management Board of Berg Holding S.A. with its registered office in Katowice [Company, Issuer] with reference to the current report ESPI No. 24/2021 of Aptil 12, 2021 informs that on April 26, 2021 the Management Board of the Issuer’s subsidiary, Farmy Fotowoltaiki S.A. [Subsidiary] with its registered office in Katowice, allocated 540.000 series C ordinary bearer shares with a nominal value of 0.10 PLN each, issued at 7.50 PLN each.

As a result of the issue, the Subsidiary obtained capital in the amount of 4.05 million PLN which in accordance with the adopted goal of the issue, will be allocated to the construction [2.6 million PLN] and purchase of a project [0.2 million PLN] of 1 MW photovoltaic farm in Nagoszyn, working capital [0.5 million PLN] purchase of other ready-made photovoltaic projects [0.4 million PLN], employment related to the dynamics of development [0.2 million PLN] and marketing [0.15 million PLN]. The Subsidiary also intends to apply for the introduction of series C shares to trading on the NewConnect marked by the end of the first quarter od 2022.

The Issuer did not participate in the issue of series C shares, it did not acquire any shares of the indicated series, and at the date of this report it holds 8.537.873 series A ordinary bearer shares of the Subsidiary. As a result of the issue of series C shares, the Issuer’s share in the share capital, after the registration of series C shares in the National Register Court, will decrease from 85.05% to 80,71%, thus Farmy Fotowoltaiki S.A. will still become a subsidiary of the Issuer.

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