Report ESPI 38/2021
The Management Board of Berg Holding S.A. with its registered office in Katowice [Company, Issuer] announces that today it has received information that as a result of execution of two share sale agreements from July 15, 2021 concluded with natural persons, the Issuer acquired
on July 16, 2021 jointly 1,073,500 shares of Geo-Term Polska S.A. with its registered office in Oświęcim [Geo-Term Polska], representing 88.6% of votes in its share capital.
Geo-Term Polska is a company specializing in comprehensive installation of ground source heat pump. Geo-Term Polska is a public company whose shares have been listed on the NewConnect marked of the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2014.
The Issuer commitment in Geo-Term Polska is related to the implementation of the Issuer strategy for 2020 – 2022, of which the Issuer informed in the ESPI current report No. 64/2020 from July 14, 2020.