Report ESPI 36/2021
The Management Board of Berg Holding S.A. with its registered office in Katowice [Company, Issuer] in reference to the ESPI current report No 1/2021 of January 5, 2021 on the conclusion by a jointly controlled company of Farmy Fotowoltaiki S.A. ie Columbus&Farmy Sp. z o.o. [C&F] of the
preliminary contract for the acquisition of the photovoltaic project informs that the Management Board of the subsidiary company of C&F, Farma F10 Sp. z o.o. [Farma F10] with its registered office in Katowice, as a result of the performance of the preliminary agreement concluded
a promised contract for the purchase of a 2 x 0,85 MW photovoltaic power plant project on a property located in Miejsce Piastowe, Podkarpackie voivodship [Miejsce Piastowe Project].
Under the mentioned agreement the parties agreed that the transfer of title to ownership of the
Miejsce Piastowe Project to Farma F10 will occur upon payment of the price of PLN 300,000.
In the opinion of the Issuer’s Management Board, the information about signing the Agreement is confidential due to the fact that its implementation will have a significant impact on the financial revenues of the Issuer’s Capital Group.